
IMPORTANT: All students must sign up for exam between 15 - 28 February through the university's electronic self-service system – otherwise you will not earn any ETCS credits (though you will still learn a lot).

Registred Danish students earn 10 ETCS BA-level credits (passed, no grades) by attending the course, participating actively and doing the assignments. Some students may only need 5 ETCS credits, and they have a smaller work load in some of the assignments.

Below is a message for the exchange students from the secretary:

Dear exchange students at Department for Aesthetic Studies

Registration for exams this summer will take place in the coming two weeks.
If you send me an email stating which exam you want to registre for in the course Art and Authenticity in the Digital Age , I will take care of it.
Please send it before Wednesday 24th February.

For the course Art and Authenticity in the Digital Age you have the following options:

Either 5 or 10 ECTS points. The examination method is active participation and a portfolio according to directions by your lecturer.
The assessment is Pass/Fail - no grades.

10 ECTS points. The examination method is active participation including practical exercises, written homework etc. according to directions by your lecturer plus an additional essay, 12 pages.
The assessment is by grades on the 12-scale.

If some of you have a specific need for 15 ECTS point at MA-level in your study programme, you can register for this.
The demands are the same as for 10 ECTS, except the paper must be 18-22 pages.
The assessment is by grades on the 12-scale.

Kind regards

Lisbeth Knudsen

Lisbeth Knudsen

Institut for Æstetiske Fag
Aarhus Universitet
Langelandsgade 139
8000 Århus C

Tlf.: 8942 1820
mail: kd.ua.muh|klkea#kd.ua.muh|klkea

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