Marina Schmoelz

I am Marina, 22 years old, I come from Heidelberg, Germany, and I’m a 3rd year psychology student. Since last September I study in Århus. I didn’t just want to take courses in my subject, because I think it’s good to get some impression how things in other subjects are handled, taught, and learned. I decided to participate in this course because I am very interested in art, mainly fine and plastic arts. I think it is interesting to discuss in which way pictures loose value when they get replicated in an unlimited way, which can be done more and more precise by the help of modern technologies. It is also interesting in what way there still should be practical and fine arts “produced” any longer and new ideas also in this domain being continued, even when there are much more modern and easier ways to create something. In which dimensions lays the value of digital art?! Opportunities and restrictions? Furthermore I am open to new ideas and excited about what the course will bring.

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